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  • Writer's pictureMFF

Films of the 4th MYFF awarded!

The Award Ceremony was held on the 2nd of July at Youth Village Complex in Santa Venera.

List of winners:

  • Award for Best story telling quality - Bruce Micallef Eynaud

  • Award for Best direction - Jeremy Vella

  • Most original concept - Amy Azzopardi

  • Best acting - Anthony Mizzi

  • Audience engagement award - Ferrante Films

  • Public Choice Award - Eric Montebello

  • Best cinematography - Clive Brincat

  • Best picture - Bruce Micallef Eynaud

(photos: DOI - Darren Agius)

Congratulations and thank you to everyone for participating in the 4th edition of the Malta Youth Film Festival!

The MYFF is organized by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and the Malta Film Foundation.

The festival is also supported by the Malta Film Commission and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations.


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