Thank you for all the films submitted this year.
Voice your opinion by voting for your favorite film from the competition.
These are the 19 films taking part in this year's competition:
Lost Kid Wanderer - Chelsea Muscat | 82 - Miguel Formosa |
Baba's Crisis - Andrew Deguara | Lightbulb Moment - Julienne Restall |
Sebaħ - Eric Montebello | Nerves - Lorna Grima |
What lies in Grief - Mattias Cilia | The Excuse - Luke Andre Camilleri |
The Critic - Bruce Micallef Eynaud | The Night Shift - Abdel Hafid Massa |
S-L-B - John Debattista | ż-f-n - Ames Giles |
In His Image - Matteo Pullicino | N-X-F - Nicole Sciberras |
Q-R-D - Nicholas John Briffa | What is Love? - Jonathan Geitz |
An Animated love story - Emma Bonnici | Ħoss - Gabriel Cassar Tabone |
Voting will be available until 23rd May, noon.