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with Ivan Malekin & Sarah Jayne Portelli of Nexus Production Group


With two full length improvised feature films under their belts, one shot in a single night and the other in four countries, as well as a collection of improvised micro shorts steaming on their YouTube channel, Ivan Malekin and Sarah Jayne from Nexus Production Group, have developed their own personal and innovative way to shoot films.

As part of the Malta Film Weekend, the co-directors will share the basic process they developed to make both their improvised feature film ideas a reality, and inform beginner to indeterminate filmmakers on how they too can prep for and shoot an improvised film. From finding ideas and outlining your story, to working with actors to bring relatable characters to screen, plus camera coverage and post production, and much more, this workshop covers it all.

Suitable for aspiring filmmakers without on-set knowledge, filmmakers with an intermediate level of set experience who want to learn new skills that will give them a fresh take on how to work with actors, or even for insight on how to add the element of surprise to the traditional filmmaking structure.

WHEN: 15/09/2019 10:00 - 12:00 


Booking required. 

The workshop has a limited number of participants.


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